Algester Florist & Flower Delivery

Florist & Flower Delivery Service in Algester, 4115 QLD

Looking to order flowers online? The Lush Lily provide flower delivery to Algester and surrounding areas. Simply order any of our flower arrangements and gifts online and we’ll deliver your order to Algester and also provide same-day delivery if you place an order before 1pm.

We stock a range of flower arrangements and gifts, including Glasshouse Candles and Fragrances, Soft Toys, Chocolates and more.

Whether you’re looking to have your order delivered to a house or business, The Lush Lily look forward to surprising someone with your thoughtful order.

To get started, simply head to our Shop and add your products to the cart. When you reach the checkout, simply enter the Algester delivery address and our staff will work to get your order delivered as soon as possible.

To speak with one of our Florists, please call (07) 3843 5400.


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