We Provide Flower Delivery to Daisy Hill, 4127 QLD
The Lush Lily’s East Brisbane Florist stock a range of flower arrangements perfect for Birthdays, Love & Romance, Get Well Flowers, Anniversaries, Baby Showers, Weddings and more. We also stock a range of gifts, including Glasshouse Candles and Fragrances, Soft Toys, Chocolates and more.
Whether you’re looking to have your order delivered to a house or business, The Lush Lily look forward to surprising someone with your thoughtful order.
Shop online today and if your order before 1pm you will receive same day delivery to Daisy Hill South Brisbane and surrounding areas.
If you’re looking to order flowers online with The Lush Lily, don’t forget to sign up to our weekly mailing list for exclusive specials and discounts!
If you need to speak with one of our Daisy Hill Florists, or are wanting to place a phone order, please call us on (07) 3843 5400.